Arthur Phillip High School

A future focused high rise city school

Telephone02 8855 8100

Message from your Principal

It is with great pleasure that I extend a warm welcome to students and parents joining us at Arthur Phillip High School.

I am proud to be leading Arthur Phillip High School together with extremely talented and professional staff who are committed to making the very best use of this technology-rich environment. Staff aim to help their students become the next generation of leaders who can solve complex, real-world problems and make a positive difference.

We, the school community, look forward to standing strong as outstanding examples of how public education is leading the way in innovation, technology, entrepreneurship and academic and sporting excellence.

Our current school vision statements reflect our approach to teaching and learning within this school community.

Inside Our School

Arthur Phillip High School is the first public high-rise high school in NSW.

This school year at Arthur Phillip High School will be an exciting time for students, teachers, school administration staff, parents and carers.

We are thrilled to have a new high school with flexible, technology-rich learning spaces and dedicated homebase levels for Years 7 to 12, which include:

  • adaptable, moveable furniture and room configurations which offer better opportunities for collaboration and personalised learning
  • specialised development hubs for science, metal work, wood work, 3D design, food technology, performance, music and textiles
  •  a double size multi-sport gymnasium.

Who we are

School vision

At Arthur Phillip High School, we are committed to promoting learning excellence in an inclusive, dynamic and flexible environment. Our collaborative, future focused learning approach maximises engagement and achievement by challenging and supporting students to pursue excellence and develop a passion for learning, through responsible, informed leadership and proactive global citizenry.

Our staff understand the crucial role they play in providing a diverse, multi skilled curriculum with an emphasis on developing literacy and numeracy skills for our rapidly changing community. In our new multi storey future focused school, collaboration and innovation are essential elements in curriculum delivery and imperative for success. Staff also recognise the importance of developing the whole child through our focus on wellbeing, physical activity, creative and performing arts and student leadership.

At Arthur Phillip High School we cultivate programs and initiatives that celebrate and embrace our multicultural community. We recognise the key role our parents play and provide seamless transition points for students entering Year 7 and leaving for tertiary studies or the workplace at the end of Year 12.

School values

At Arthur Phillip High School students STRIVE for:

RESPECT – To be polite and courteous to others and show respect for all members of the school community

SUCCESS – To learn, participate and realise my potential

RESPONSIBILITY – To recognise and understand my obligations as a member of the APHS community

  • Promoting learning excellence
  • Building positive relationships through inclusivity
  • Empowering learners to grow and flourish
  • Nurturing a culture of belonging
  • Where students recognise and embrace opportunities to thrive
  • Passionate, innovative learners working collaboratively


  • United in our diversity
  • Nurturing positive, respectful relationships
  • Where student voice is valued
  • Collaborating to solve complex, real world problems
  • Partnering with families to support student growth
  • Inspiring entrepreneurial leadership through community partnerships

  • Challenging and supporting students to pursue excellence
  • Inspiring and innovative learning spaces
  • Authentic digital learning
  • Striving for respect, success and responsibility
  • A wellbeing focus where students thrive

Learning at APHS


At Arthur Phillip High School teachers work collaboratively to develop student skills and competence in literacy, numeracy, information communication technology, critical and creative thinking, personal and social capability, and ethical understanding.

Staff are committed to creating opportunities for peer collaboration and the sharing of student learning with the broader community. Through face-to-face, online and blended learning approaches, students are connected to local and global communities. An entrepreneurial framework fosters lifelong skills through learning strategies such as play, project-based learning, genius hour and passion projects. Within this framework students are engaged in meaningful and authentic tasks challenging them to explore significant community and global issues as well as their own areas of interest.

At Arthur Phillip High School students are exposed to STEM challenges which integrate science, technology, engineering and mathematics. These challenges further develop skills such as problem solving; creativity; critical analysis; teamwork; independent thinking; initiative; communication and digital literacy. The use of a customised digital learning platform connects students to an online collaborative learning community, creating their own personal workplace where teachers provide feedback and guidance.


News and events

From the department

Apply now for 2025 HSC disability provisions

Arthur Phillip High School - Canteen Tender

Arthur Phillip High School Turns 150!

In 2025, Arthur Phillip High School (APHS) celebrates 150 years of educational excellence, transformation, and diversity! We invite alumni, community members, businesses, and organisations to join us in this milestone celebration.
Whether you graduated last year or decades ago, you are an essential part of our history. This anniversary is an opportunity to reconnect with old friends, reflect on our shared history, and support future generations.

Are you an APHS Alumni?

We’d love to hear from you! We’re gathering stories, photos, and memories that capture the journey of APHS over the years. Please reach out to us and help bring our history to life by sharing your experiences.

Let us know by filling out our Google Form

Are you a Local Organisation or Business?

We are excited to collaborate with community partners to make this celebration unforgettable. If you're interested in community initiatives, partnerships, or event sponsorship, connect with our Community Engagement Team to learn how you can be a part of our celebrations.

Contact Us:

For alumni inquiries, sharing memories, and to get involved, or for community partnerships or sponsorship opportunities, please contact our Community Engagement Team at

Stay Connected:

Follow us on social media and visit this page often to learn about upcoming anniversary events and stories that celebrate 150 years of Arthur Phillip High School!


Contact us

School address

Arthur Phillip High School
102-116 Macquarie Street
Parramatta NSW 2150