International Students
At Arthur Phillip High School, we celebrate our diverse community and welcome students from overseas who choose to complete their Australian Education at our school. We have a supportive and professional team of teachers and staff who monitor the welfare, course progress and attendance of our international students. Our International Student Coordinator Ms Vance oversees the program and ensures our students are provided with individual care and are progressing in all aspects of their schooling. Our Assistant Coordinators, Ms Lin and Ms Lim, look after the attendance, course progress and welfare of our junior and senior international students respectively by regularly meeting with students and providing Chinese and Korean translator support where necessary. In addition, we have administrator support staff who ensure that compliance requirements are met.
Our international students are predominantly from China, the Philippines and Vietnam. We have consistent international student enrolments each year, with an average of about 30 students. Our enrolments of international students continues to rise as we prepare to transition into our new multi-storey, future-focused high rise high school.
International students beginning their studies in Australia are required to complete 20 weeks of intensive English at an approved language centre. On completion of their intensive English studies, students are supported in their transition to high school by being appropriately placed into an EAL/D class for their core subjects. Our specialist EAL/D teachers support the English language development of our international students and we strongly encourage students to regularly attend the weekly Senior EAL/D Homework Centre. The Homework Centre is staffed by qualified Mathematics and English/EALD teachers to assist students with the completion of homework and assessment tasks.
All students are supported in their transition to high school by participating in our transition program. Students are given a tour of the school where they are introduced to key staff members and are paired with a local student who provides peer support, helps them settle in and make new friends. They are also given an outline of high school expectations including behaviour, learning in the classroom, uniform, homework and assessment tasks and our coordinators ensure students have chosen the correct pattern of study.
The International Student Coordinators meet regularly with international students to discuss High School experiences and arrange access to appropriate support structures. Our international students are encouraged to become active members of their school community. Our school facilitates many programs to encourage students to make positive friendship groups, develop their confidence, become role models and leaders for their peers and showcase their talents. Some of the many programs and events offered at APHS include:
● Student Representative Council
● Peer Support/Mentoring program
● Public speaking and debating
● Performing Arts
● Representative sport
● Swim School
● Environmental Committee
Arthur Phillip High School’s year 12 international students work extremely hard and achieve excellent results in their Higher School Certificate. Many of our Year 12 international students have received academic awards at the prestigious Annual International Student Award Ceremony. Recently, one of our international students was nominated for the 2019 Art Express for her exceptional painting completed as part of her major project.
We look forward to building stronger connections with our international schools and welcome all future enrolments of international students.
For more information, visit DE International
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